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Annual Meeting of Réunians a Success ! 01.04.2009 06:27


I would like to share with you that our annual meeting of Réunians was a complete success! Hosted in Rio de Janeiro, at a famous barbecue house (called Churrascaria Porcão Rio's), almost 30 Réunians from all over Brazil and the World attended, and it was a great time for us all!

Maybe next time we will have some visitors from abroad??

You can check the Image Files with all the pictures at these URLs:

http://www.reuniao.org/photos/megaencontro and

The pictures were really nice (you can see there many Réunian dignitaries such as your truly, the Empress, Lord Protector, Imperial Counselours, Clergymen, Qualicates, and the Ambassador from Pasárgada, who joined us for the day)

Feel free to ask who everyone is, and any other doubts you may have :-)

Claudio de Castro

P.S. - Chocolate Chip Ice Cream with Grape Soda is our national dessert. (You would ask me about that)

HHIM Claudio I
Holy Empire of Réunion

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großes Grinsen Teufel Baby Augen rollen Augenzwinkern Zunge raus fröhlich böse smile unglücklich Freude geschockt traurig cool verwirrt rotes Gesicht Zunge raus


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