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LoSS - League of Secessionist States 27.04.2009 06:47

Greetings, friends!

The League of Secessionist States was founded soooo many years ago, as most of us know, and has grown to be a quite most-of-the-time respected body of micronations. I, no secret, have always been an enthusiast of that League.

Last week, and starting May 1st, I have been elected Secretary General of the LoSS, in a slate with Pawel Svoboda, a polish micronationalist whom I have grown to respect.

I have great plans for promoting LoSS not only as a League of Micronations, but also as another forum for micronationalists to meet and create acquaitances, meet new micronational projects and get in touch with old ones.

I have started to work on a new LoSS Website, which will be hosted at our new domain http://www.theloss.net . I know we all speak about YAMO's and such. But I have a feeling we can do something different and more respectable with LoSS, while keeping that body faithful to its old traditions.

I plan to promote the League during my term. And anyone who would like to talk to me about LoSS, maybe join it, or at least ask me any questions about the projects I have for that old League, please talk to me.

Most of you know Réunion and myself. I plan to act accordingly to my micronational resumé.

Feel free to contact me about this or anything else (food is good too, love recipes)_


Claudio de Castro
LoSS SG-Elect

HHIM Claudio I
Holy Empire of Réunion

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großes Grinsen Teufel Baby Augen rollen Augenzwinkern Zunge raus fröhlich böse smile unglücklich Freude geschockt traurig cool verwirrt rotes Gesicht Zunge raus


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